What is your body missing? B vitamins? Magnesium? Calcium? Protein? Glutathione? Methyl donors?
Even intentional, high quality diets can be low in many essential nutrients due to modern farming practices. With complex chronic health conditions usually comes impaired digestion and absorption, further compounding the problem.
And if you get as far as running nutritional labs, these will light up like a Christmas tree showing you all sorts of things you’re missing, especially if you’ve had symptoms for any length of time.
But are these deficiencies really the problem? And if they are part of the problem, are they usually the best place to start?
A mentor of mine taught me: “The majority of gains are made by removing obstacles.”
Why start by removing stuff first? Well for starters, most people I’ve seen have already tried supplementing. The ones whose problems are fixed with this approach don’t come to see. 🤷♀️
But perhaps more importantly, if you do feel better for supplementing but you don’t get rid of the biofilms, microplastics, mold, chronic infections and other visitors creating an ongoing smolder in your system, you’ll be taking those supplements for ever just to feel nearly normal.
There’s a better way to approach this. Remove obstacles first. Addition by subtraction.