Understanding how systems behave can completely transform our ability to problem-solve and act in the word. No where is this truer when it comes to understanding how to improve our own health.
Food, for example, is an input. Energy and Poop are outputs. If the food isn’t good quality, then inflammation and brain fog could be outputs as well.
But where do thoughts fit in? Are they inputs too?
Any input into a system is an output of another system. Likewise, when outputs are used as inputs in other systems intentionally, we see less waste and less unintentional consequences.
Chicken poop becomes fertilizer for the grass that feeds the cows . . .
So, thoughts can be understood as inputs or as outputs and shifting this frame changes everything in terms of how we interact with our system and what options are available to use in terms improving our health, our mood, our beliefs and our quality of life.
By understanding the differences between thoughts as inputs and thoughts as outputs whole worlds open up to us. We can understand when and how to use affirmations to speed up our progress.
Or why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) sometimes helps but a lot of times backfires. And how to use trance states to allow thoughts as inputs to be fertilize new beliefs more effectively.
By understanding thoughts as outputs we can solve the problem of persistent, unwanted, negative, ruminative thoughts at their source - in the non-verbal brainstem.
Understanding where your thoughts come from and how they work as inputs and outputs is a total game-changer.