We are exposed to an increasing number of novel chemicals and pollutants in our environment. We also have a shifting microbial landscape to navigate, with Lyme, novel Lab engineered viruses, superbugs and more.
As we become aware of how these factors can impact our health - both contributing to current illnesses and impacting our healthspan, it’s understandable that we might not only start to feel like the world is scary but also that we’re unclean. We’re infected. We’re polluted. And we want to get it out.
But I would offer that there may be more empowering and strategic ways to navigate these issues. Aiming for “zero” levels of pathogens like Lyme, EBV or fungus or “zero” levels of environmental toxins I believe is a mistake. And you’d probably die trying.
Rather, we can use our understanding of systems thinking and the 4 Stage Process to navigate our journey back to robust health. This should include improving our environment as much as we can and taking steps to clear accumulated biofilms and toxins in our system.
But we also want to be robust and able to handle a less-than-pristine reality and to live our life, with the inherent risks that this entails.