There’s so much that our body does that we don’t appreciate until it goes wrong. Ahhhh, the human condition.
The ability of the brain to sense our motion through space, and just as importantly, to know when we are not moving, is definitely high up on that list.
Feeling like you are moving when you are not can be completely debilitating.
But what causes vertigo? Why does it become chronic? And can the 4 stage model be helpful for this type of problem?
In our inner ears, we have a set of fluid filled loops and cavities that work a bit like a spirit level, letting us know where we are in space.
But the difference is, it’s actually letting us know more about acceleration or movement rather than position, a bit like this dashboard hula girl.
So how might things go wrong? We could have a problem with the fluid in those compartments, and gunk build up, or inflammation can effect the nerve. Or likewise, we have a lot of sensory inputs coming into the brainstem and traveling up to the brain to let us know our status.
If we have a high viral load, candida infection, stress, or probably other factors outside of our awareness, the system can get overloaded and other circuits can get tripped.
Like with other symptoms and diagnoses, if we are talking about a chronic issue that’s been around for a while, we are talking about multiple causes. Why? Because if there were a single cause, you would have figured it out by now and you wouldn’t be here looking for answers and strategies.
When dealing with multiple causes of dysfunction in a complex system, we need to support the body and address these issues in order. Like a combination lock, we need to do the right things in the right sequence and then the body is very good at taking care of the rest. So whether it’s vertigo or fatigue or IBS or autoimmunity, the potential causes we’re dealing with are the same and the order that the body wants to be helped is the same.